To start first a quote of one of the football agents that use this system for better understanding and supporting their players:
Just wanna let you know about my first meeting with the player yesterday.
Spend 2 hours talking about #3 successful worker.
He was blown away and could definitely see himself in the things I presented and pointed out.It was fantastic to have something that concret to talk to a new player about, and it made our relationship strong from the beginning.
I have a very, very good feeling about the player and the things we have decided to work with in the future.Soon i´ll set up a meeting with the next player.
I have a very strong relationship with him already, and I look forward to knowing about his brain type 🙂See you soon!
Best from Denmark
René Lundgaard
Footballers Collective
Once you have watched this video, you understand that there are nine sets of evolutionary behavioral patterns. And that these patterns are dynamic. If a player is stressed he behaves in a different way than when he is relaxed or when he is neither stressed or relaxed (what we call “neutral”). What creates the biggest chance for the player to reach peak performance depends on his brain type and his position. Below you can see each of these nine dynamics and there relevant evolutionary behaviors from Cybernetic Big Five Theory:

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